Industry Canada Wireless Applications by COLONIAL DATA TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION (924A)

COLONIAL DATA TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION has registered the following address with IC for their applications:
80 Pickett Dirtrict Road

New Milford
United States

IC has provided the identification code of 924A for all products affiliated with COLONIAL DATA TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION.

We update our database 24 times a day with the records on the IC website. If you would like to be notified of any new applications filled by COLONIAL DATA TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION, please subscribe: We will only be emailing you if there is a new application-- Be the first to know about new tech!

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List of current license applications for COLONIAL DATA TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION

click for details.
IC IDApp #ModelDate
924 5992 A62132RECOTON T1020B
924 5992 A62131PRO QUALITY/TELEMAX TM-876
924 5992 A62130PRO QUALITY/TELEMAX 940M
924 5992 A62129PRO QUALITY/TELEMAX 940EM
924 5992 A62128PRO QUALITY/TELEMAX 1000M
924 5992 A62127GEMINI TA520
924 5992 A62126GEMINI 720
924 5992 A62125GEMINI 710
924 5019 A62124TM800
924 5019 A62123TM 803
924 5019 A62122TA 850
924 5019 A62121T1075B
924 5019 A62120T1050B
924 5019 A62119T1010B
924 5019 A62118210E
924 5019 A62117185CR
924 5019 A62116175E
924 5019 A62115150E
924 5019 A62114125CS
924 5019 A62113125CRX
924 5019 A62112125CR
924 5019 A62111125C
924 4986 A62110TM 801
924 4986 A62109TA 10
924 4986 A62108T1000B
924 4986 A62107FM 100
924 4986 A62106110E
924 3963 A62105205NN
924 3963 A62104155NN
924 3963 A62103110 CR
924 3963 A62102105 CR
924 3963 A62101102 CR
924 3405 A62100125B
924 2092 A62099CDT AP2001