Industry Canada Wireless Applications by ARCHTEK TELECOM CORPORATION (912A)

ARCHTEK TELECOM CORPORATION has registered the following address with IC for their applications:
17524 Colima Rd., Suite 220,

Rowland Heights
United States

IC has provided the identification code of 912A for all products affiliated with ARCHTEK TELECOM CORPORATION.

We update our database 24 times a day with the records on the IC website. If you would like to be notified of any new applications filled by ARCHTEK TELECOM CORPORATION, please subscribe: We will only be emailing you if there is a new application-- Be the first to know about new tech!

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List of current license applications for ARCHTEK TELECOM CORPORATION

click for details.
IC IDApp #ModelDate
912 3479 A61934FAXER
912 3375 A61933SMARTLINK 2400P
912 3096 A61932XTRON 2400M
912 3096 A61931SMARTLINK 2400M
912 3096 A61930ESSNA 2400M
912 2926 A61929ALPHA FAX 9600B
912 2761 A61928XTRON 2400BS
912 2761 A61927SMARTLINK 2400BS
912 2761 A61926RAGE 2400BS
912 2761 A61925MITAC 2400BS
912 2761 A61924FRANKLIN 2400BS
912 2761 A61923ADVANCE 2400BS
912 2760 A61922XTRON 2400S
912 2760 A61921SMARTLINK 2400S
912 2760 A61920RAGE 2400S
912 2760 A61919MITAC 2400S
912 2760 A61918ADVANCE 2400S
912 2625 A61917XTRON 1200B
912 2625 A61916STERLING 1200B
912 2625 A61915STERLING 1200
912 2625 A61914RAGE 1200B
912 2625 A61913RAGE 1200
912 2625 A61912ESSNA 1200B
912 2625 A61911ESSNA 1200
912 2625 A61910ADVANCE 1200B
912 2625 A61909ADVANCE 1200
912 2312 A61908XTRON 2400BH
912 2312 A61907SMARTLINK 2400BH
912 2215 A61906XTRON 1200
912 2215 A61905SMARTLINK 1200
912 2214 A61904XTRON 2400
912 2214 A61903SMARTLINK 2400
912 2032 A61902SMARTLINK 1200B
912 11390 A52670PIW-A3NS2001-03-15
912 11390 A52669PIW-A32001-03-15
912 11138 A52013SMARTLINK 5634PEW2000-11-07
912 7735 A39151SMARTLINK 3334BRV1996-11-20
912 7670 A38813SMARTLINK 3334BAV1996-10-22