Industry Canada Wireless Applications by VERIFONE TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD. (891A)

VERIFONE TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD. has registered the following address with IC for their applications:
3030 Airway Ave.,

Costa Mesa
United States

IC has provided the identification code of 891A for all products affiliated with VERIFONE TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD..

We update our database 24 times a day with the records on the IC website. If you would like to be notified of any new applications filled by VERIFONE TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD., please subscribe: We will only be emailing you if there is a new application-- Be the first to know about new tech!

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List of current license applications for VERIFONE TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD.

click for details.
IC IDApp #ModelDate
891 5209 A61721VFI XL 300 DISCOVER
891 4324 A61720VFI OMNI 390
891 4324 A61719TRANZ 380
891 4324 A61718OMNI 380
891 3859 A61717TRANZIT 1200C
891 3814 A61716VFI TRANZ 420
891 3505 A61715VFI DATATROL 360
891 3505 A61714DATACARD DATATROL 360
891 3134 A61713ZON 531M
891 3134 A61712ZON 531
891 3134 A61711ZON 530M
891 3134 A61710ZON 530
891 3134 A61709VFI TRANZ 330 DISCOVER
891 3134 A61708TRANZ 330
891 3134 A61707PNC 330
891 3046 A61706ZON II XJ
891 3046 A61705VERIFONE ZON II XPE
891 3046 A61704TRANZIT XPE
891 2166 A61703VFI ZON JR XL
891 1953 A61702ZON PHONE P010-102