Industry Canada Wireless Applications by VERIFONE INC. (787A)

VERIFONE INC. has registered the following address with IC for their applications:

IC has provided the identification code of 787A for all products affiliated with VERIFONE INC..

We update our database 24 times a day with the records on the IC website. If you would like to be notified of any new applications filled by VERIFONE INC., please subscribe: We will only be emailing you if there is a new application-- Be the first to know about new tech!

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List of current license applications for VERIFONE INC.

click for details.
IC IDApp #ModelDate
787 6567 A62284OMNI 3951995-03-22
787 6547 A62149OMNI 4601995-03-08
787 5701 AB60639OMNI 490
787 5602 A60638FXD
787 5602 A60637API
787 5145 B60636480 LEASED LINE
787 4406 A60635OMNI 480
787 1800 A60634VFI ZON
787 1569 A60633VFI ZON JR PLUS
787 1569 A60632VFI ZON JR
787 11330 A52511ASPEN MK34-D200-0212001-02-12
787 11330 A52510ASPEN MK34-D200-0112001-02-12
787 10822 A50415XCOM22000-06-09
787 10067 A49796TELECHECK ECLIPSE2000-03-27
787 10070 A48190OMNI MODEM 1441999-07-14
787 10067 A48142QUARTET1999-07-13
787 9919 A47814OMNI 32001999-05-19
787 9334 A45884OMNI 3100 P091-301-011998-09-17
787 9335 A45855PEARL P053-00-01X1998-09-18
787 8966 A44445OMNI 22501998-04-17
787 8905 A44009OMNI 1220 P066-220-011998-03-27
787 8744 A43484OMNI MODEM 1001998-01-22
787 8358 A41599PATM1997-07-29
787 6898 AB35061OMNI 3951995-09-07