Industry Canada Wireless Applications by BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLC (766A)

BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLC has registered the following address with IC for their applications:
403 St John Street, The Angel Centre

United Kingdom

IC has provided the identification code of 766A for all products affiliated with BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLC.

We update our database 24 times a day with the records on the IC website. If you would like to be notified of any new applications filled by BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLC, please subscribe: We will only be emailing you if there is a new application-- Be the first to know about new tech!

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List of current license applications for BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLC

click for details.
IC IDApp #ModelDate
766 6591 A62425VC80001995-04-10
766 5522 A60363ITS
766 4983 A60362VC4101 MCU 8-PORT
766 4983 A60361VC4100 MCU 3-PORT
766 4874 AB60360NS8232M/NS8112
766 4840 A60359VC2300
766 4840 A60358VC2100
766 4582 A60357NS2532B
766 4582 A60356NS2532
766 4582 A60355NS2522
766 4581 AB60354NS2232M
766 4581 AB60353NS2232B
766 4581 AB60352NS22232
766 4581 AB60351NS2222B
766 4581 AB60350NS2222
766 2740 AB60349DM4123X
766 2739 AB603484241X
766 2733 AB603474242X
766 2733 AB603464122ACX
766 2490 AB60345DM4962TCX
766 2490 AB60344DM4142TCX
766 2020 AB603434960FTX
766 2020 AB603424480FTX
766 1849 B603414141X
766 1648 A60340DDU4070X
766 1640 A60339AC4050X
766 1639 A603384012X
766 1638 A60337SDU4072X
766 1574 AB603364962X
766 1506 B603354480X
766 1505 B603344960X
766 1485 B603334241PCX
766 1484 B603324961X
766 5983 A59716VC70001994-07-22
766 6926 A35282VC90001995-09-21