Industry Canada Wireless Applications by INTERNATIONAL QUARTZ LTD. (746A)

INTERNATIONAL QUARTZ LTD. has registered the following address with IC for their applications:
24-26 Sze Shan Street

Yau Tong, Kowloon

Hong Kong

IC has provided the identification code of 746A for all products affiliated with INTERNATIONAL QUARTZ LTD..

We update our database 24 times a day with the records on the IC website. If you would like to be notified of any new applications filled by INTERNATIONAL QUARTZ LTD., please subscribe: We will only be emailing you if there is a new application-- Be the first to know about new tech!

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List of current license applications for INTERNATIONAL QUARTZ LTD.

click for details.
IC IDApp #ModelDate
746 3072 A60193IQTEL 98372
746 3072 A60192IQTEL 98362
746 3072 A60191INTERQUARTZ 98372
746 3072 A60190INTERQUARTZ 98362
746 3048 A6018998272WAG
746 3045 A60188IQTEL 98712
746 3045 A60187INTERQUARTZ 98702
746 2688 A60186MATSUI X9812
746 2258 A601859611
746 2258 A601849610
746 1999 A6018398652XTL
746 1999 A6018298652XT
746 1999 A6018198651TL
746 1999 A6018098651T
746 1999 A6017998650T
746 1988 A60178IQTEL 9873
746 1988 A60177IQTEL 9870
746 1988 A601769871
746 1987 A601759874
746 1987 A601749872
746 1930 A60173IQTEL 9837
746 1930 A60172INTERQUARTZ 9837
746 1923 A601719853
746 1432 A601709851A
74609102532980MATSUI X9812
746091025MATSUI X9812 / -- / --0000-00-00
746091025MATSUI X9812 / -- / --0000-00-00
746091025MATSUI X9812 / -- / --0000-00-00