Industry Canada Wireless Applications by CODEX CORPORATION (725A)

CODEX CORPORATION has registered the following address with IC for their applications:
11A Norfolk Street

United States

IC has provided the identification code of 725A for all products affiliated with CODEX CORPORATION.

We update our database 24 times a day with the records on the IC website. If you would like to be notified of any new applications filled by CODEX CORPORATION, please subscribe: We will only be emailing you if there is a new application-- Be the first to know about new tech!

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List of current license applications for CODEX CORPORATION

click for details.
IC IDApp #ModelDate
725 5838 A59955CODEX 6950
725 5224 A59954CODEX 6220
725 5221 A59953CODEX 3512
725 4124 AB59952CODEX 3268
725 4124 AB59951CODEX 3267
725 4124 AB59950CODEX 3263
725 4124 AB59949CODEX 3262
725 4057 A59948CODEX 6250
725 4048 A59947CODEX 6310
725 3995 AB59946CODEX 3345
725 3995 AB59945CODEX 3340
725 3907 AB59944CODEX 3266
725 3907 AB59943CODEX 3261
725 3906 AB59942MOTOROLA V.34R
725 3906 AB59941CODEX 3265
725 3906 AB59940CODEX 3260
725 3489 AB59939CODEX 3600 SERIES
725 3478 AB59938CODEX 3385
725 3478 AB59937CODEX 3380
725 3474 A59936CODEX 6292
725 3073 AB599352015 MLRU
725 2962 A599342515
725 2862 A59933CODEX 6290-XXXX
725 2572 A5993241823
725 2572 A5993141726
725 2572 A5993041723
725 2572 A5992941623
725 2572 A5992841526
725 2572 A5992741523
725 1683 A59926PRODUCT CODE 41400
725 1683 A59925PRODUCT CODE 41200
725 1682 A59924PRODUCT CODE 41305
725 1682 A59923PRODUCT CODE 41300
725 1682 A59922PRODUCT CODE 41105
725 1682 A59921PRODUCT CODE 41100
725 1558 A59920CODEX 6240
725 1321 A59919PRODUCT CODE 40239
725 1321 A59918PRODUCT CODE 40238
725 1320 A59917PRODUCT CODE 40234
725 1320 A59916PRODUCT CODE 40233
725 1320 A59915CODEX 2234