Industry Canada Wireless Applications by TELLABS COMMUNICATIONS CANADA LTD. (713A)

TELLABS COMMUNICATIONS CANADA LTD. has registered the following address with IC for their applications:
2433 Meadowvale Boulevard

L5N 5S2

IC has provided the identification code of 713A for all products affiliated with TELLABS COMMUNICATIONS CANADA LTD..

We update our database 24 times a day with the records on the IC website. If you would like to be notified of any new applications filled by TELLABS COMMUNICATIONS CANADA LTD., please subscribe: We will only be emailing you if there is a new application-- Be the first to know about new tech!

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List of current license applications for TELLABS COMMUNICATIONS CANADA LTD.

click for details.
IC IDApp #ModelDate
713 4408 A597344511 T-CODER
713 4218 A597335303
713 3803 A59732CROSSNET 441
713 2149 A59731CROSSNET 440
713 2012 A59730430 T-PLEXER
713 1964 A597297001(A)
713 1280 A59728TELLABS 293
713 10098 A51617V45002000-09-18
713 6341A48734EC-80001999-09-14
713 8742 A4351481.41401998-01-22
713 6007 A37482CSU/DSU 42241996-06-13
713 6007 A37481CSU/DSU 42221996-06-13
713 6332 A37480ICSU 41301996-06-13
713 6332 A37479ICSU 41201996-06-13
713 6332 A37478ICSU 0413A1996-06-13
713 6983 A34761PORTSPAN 40001995-10-20