Industry Canada Wireless Applications by WHEELOCK INC. (630A)

WHEELOCK INC. has registered the following address with IC for their applications:
273 Branchport Avenue

Long Branch
New Jersey
United States

IC has provided the identification code of 630A for all products affiliated with WHEELOCK INC..

We update our database 24 times a day with the records on the IC website. If you would like to be notified of any new applications filled by WHEELOCK INC., please subscribe: We will only be emailing you if there is a new application-- Be the first to know about new tech!

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List of current license applications for WHEELOCK INC.

click for details.
IC IDApp #ModelDate
630 977 A58739XRT-T-40-1
630 977 A58738NS-16763-L4
630 976 A58737RX-1419-1
630 976 A58736NS-16301-L15
630 975 A58735NS-16626-L10
630 975 A58734CRT-TC-40-1
630 974 A58733NS-16626-L8
630 974 A58732CRT-T-40-1
630 3809 A58731TPI-100
630 3497 A58730THS-ET1
630 3497 A58729TH-ET1
630 2940 A58728TELBELL TB-593-1
630 2940 A58727TELBELL TB-593
630 2150 A58726WR-AT1
630 1926 A58725PS-11AXXX
630 1926 A58724PR-11HX
630 1926 A58723PR-11AX
630 1896 A58722CA-622-1
630 1896 A58721CA-312-1
630 1888 A58720TGM-300
630 1887 A58719TG-100
630 1806 A58718ES-ET1X
630 1806 A58717ES-BT1X
630 1805 A58716CH-BT1X
630 1805 A58715CH-AT1X
630 1238 A58714TELESTROBE PS-15A
630 6980 A49999UTA-NT2000-04-13
630 6980 A35502UTA-11995-10-19
630 6979 A35501UTA-WH1995-10-19