IC 1000M-7262WW by INTEL MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS for WWAN Module Adapter Card Module

IC ID: 1000M-7262WW / 1000M7262WW

Model:  7262M2WW

Company Number: 1000M
Certification Number: 1000M-7262WW
Approval Date: 2015-03-06
Type of Radio Equipment: Advanced Wireless Services Equipment (1710-1755 MHz and 2110-2155 MHz) Cellular Mobile GSM (824-849 MHz) Mobile Broadband Service (MBS) (698-756/777-787 MHz) Modular Approval PCS Mobile (1850-1910 MHz)
Equipment Type:Radio Equipment (RE)
Certified By: American Certification Body INC.

Model:  7262M2WW
Spec. Iss. From
RSS133 6.0 1.85 G 1.91 G 263KG7W 279 mW 470 mW
RSS139 2.0 1.711 G 1.754 G 1M01G7D 138 mW 180 mW
RSS139 2.0 1.713 G 1.752 G 4M05W7D 108 mW 141 mW
RSS133 6.0 1.851 G 1.909 G 1M01W7D 99 mW 142 mW
RSS132 3.0 824.2 M 848.8 M 254KG7W 313 mW 509 mW
RSS132 3.0 829 M 844 M 9M00W7D 109 mW 141 mW
RSS130 1.0 706.5 M 713.5 M 4M05G7D 137 mW 178 mW
RSS139 2.0 1.72 G 1.745 G 17M9G7D 137 mW 161 mW
RSS133 6.0 1.855 G 1.905 G 9M00W7D 101 mW 140 mW
RSS132 3.0 824.7 M 848.3 M 1M01G7D 127 mW 176 mW
RSS139 2.0 1.718 G 1.748 G 13M6G7D 135 mW 170 mW
RSS133 6.0 1.852 G 1.908 G 4M03F9W 131 mW 252 mW
RSS139 2.0 1.711 G 1.754 G 1M01W7D 113 mW 150 mW
RSS133 6.0 1.85 G 1.91 G 244KGXW 603 mW 910 mW
RSS139 2.0 1.715 G 1.75 G 9M00W7D 110 mW 148 mW
RSS139 2.0 1.712 G 1.754 G 2M07G7D 139 mW 179 mW
RSS139 2.0 1.712 G 1.753 G 4M01F9W 101 mW 249 mW
RSS133 6.0 1.86 G 1.9 G 17M9G7D 125 mW 161 mW
RSS132 3.0 824.7 M 848.3 M 1M01W7D 104 mW 147 mW
RSS139 2.0 1.712 G 1.754 G 2M07W7D 112 mW 152 mW
RSS132 3.0 826.5 M 846.5 M 4M05G7D 128 mW 166 mW
RSS133 6.0 1.852 G 1.908 G 2M07G7D 125 mW 177 mW
RSS133 6.0 1.852 G 1.908 G 4M05W7D 100 mW 137 mW
RSS132 3.0 824.2 M 848.8 M 241KGXW 998 mW 1.82 W
RSS132 3.0 826.4 M 846.6 M 4M03F9W 116 mW 233 mW
RSS132 3.0 825.5 M 847.5 M 2M07W7D 108 mW 145 mW
RSS133 6.0 1.858 G 1.902 G 13M6W7D 100 mW 133 mW
RSS139 2.0 1.713 G 1.752 G 4M05G7D 136 mW 165 mW
RSS139 2.0 1.715 G 1.75 G 9M00G7D 138 mW 171 mW
RSS133 6.0 1.86 G 1.9 G 17M9W7D 100 mW 129 mW
RSS133 6.0 1.858 G 1.902 G 13M5G7D 123 mW 164 mW
RSS130 1.0 709 M 711 M 9M01G7D 139 mW 179 mW
RSS139 2.0 1.72 G 1.745 G 17M9W7D 107 mW 140 mW
RSS130 1.0 706.5 M 713.5 M 4M05W7D 110 mW 148 mW
RSS133 6.0 1.851 G 1.909 G 1M01G7D 122 mW 174 mW
RSS133 6.0 1.852 G 1.908 G 4M05G7D 122 mW 163 mW
RSS132 3.0 829 M 844 M 9M00G7D 130 mW 172 mW
RSS139 2.0 1.718 G 1.748 G 13M5W7D 109 mW 141 mW
RSS133 6.0 1.855 G 1.905 G 9M00G7D 122 mW 170 mW
RSS132 3.0 825.5 M 847.5 M 2M07G7D 132 mW 177 mW
RSS133 6.0 1.852 G 1.908 G 2M08W7D 103 mW 145 mW
RSS130 1.0 709 M 711 M 9M00W7D 112 mW 149 mW
RSS132 3.0 826.5 M 846.5 M 4M05W7D 105 mW 139 mW
The above model table is generated based on information received from Certification Bodies, Manufacturers or Suppliers at time of certification.

Approval Agent:
Certified On:2015-07-17
Certified By:
American Certification Body INC.
Wireless Lab:Intel Mobile Communications France S.A.S
Wireless Test Site:1000Y-1
Spicific Absorbsion Test Lab:--
SAR Test Results:|RF:0.74 V/m|

Frequency and Wireless Emission Stats

Rule SpecificaitonIssue No.Frequency RangeEmission DesignatorPower RangeField StrengthDistance
RSS199 2 2510.0 MHz - 2560.0 MHz W7D-- up to 190.0 mW -- --
RSS133 6 1860.0 MHz - 1900.0 MHz W7D-- up to 129.0 mW -- --
RSS199 2 2510.0 MHz - 2560.0 MHz W7D-- up to 190.0 mW -- --
RSS139 2 1715.0 MHz - 1750.0 MHz G7D-- up to 171.0 mW -- --
RSS133 6 1860.0 MHz - 1900.0 MHz G7D-- up to 161.0 mW -- --
RSS130 1 706.5 MHz - 713.5 MHz W7D-- up to 148.0 mW -- --
RSS139 2 1715.0 MHz - 1750.0 MHz 9M04G7D-- up to 171.0 mW -- --
RSS133 6 1860.0 MHz - 1900.0 MHz 17M9G7D-- up to 161.0 mW -- --
RSS130 1 706.5 MHz - 713.5 MHz 4M54W7D-- up to 148.0 mW -- --

An IC ID is the product ID assigned by Industry Canada to identify wireless products in the Canadian market. IC typically assigns businesses 3 to 5 character codes to identify the business that created the product. For example, the business code for IC 1000M-7262WW is 1000M. This particular IC Certification was filed for by INTEL MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS for implementation in their product model # WWAN Module Adapter Card Module. Under "Similar Applications" below, you will find the other application and models this Industry Canada Certification ID has been filed with.

Approved Models for this IC ID:

Application ID IC ID Date Model
182859 1000M-7262WW 2015-03-06 7262M2WW

Related FCC ID Filings
FCC ID : Device
PD97262WW: WWAN Module Adapter Card
2015-03-30 - Intel Mobile Communications
PD97262WW: WWAN Module Adapter Card
2015-02-28 - Intel Mobile Communications
PD97262WW: WWAN Module Adapter Card
2015-07-10 - Intel Mobile Communications
PD97262WW: WWAN Module Adapter Card
2015-02-28 - Intel Mobile Communications