IC 6369A-ME909U523 by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. for LTE Module

IC ID: 6369A-ME909U523 / 6369AME909U523

Approval Agent:
Certified On:2015-09-02
Certified By:
Bay Area Compliance Laboratory Corp.
Wireless Lab:Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Wireless Test Site:6369A-2
Spicific Absorbsion Test Lab:--
SAR Test Results:--

Frequency and Wireless Emission Stats

Rule SpecificaitonIssue No.Frequency RangeEmission DesignatorPower RangeField StrengthDistance
RSS130 1 709.0 MHz - 711.0 MHz W7D-- up to 199.0 mW -- --
RSS133 6 1857.5 MHz - 1902.5 MHz G7D-- up to 373.0 mW -- --
RSS133 6 1857.5 MHz - 1902.5 MHz 13M5G7D-- up to 373.0 mW -- --

An IC ID is the product ID assigned by Industry Canada to identify wireless products in the Canadian market. IC typically assigns businesses 3 to 5 character codes to identify the business that created the product. For example, the business code for IC 6369A-ME909U523 is 6369A. This particular IC Certification was filed for by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. for implementation in their product model # LTE Module. Under "Similar Applications" below, you will find the other application and models this Industry Canada Certification ID has been filed with.