IC 4026231234A by NADY SYSTEMS, INC. for --

IC ID: 4026231234A

Model:  WLT-15

Company Number: 4026A
Company Name: NADY SYSTEMS, INC.
Certification Number: 4026231234A
Approval Date: 2001-07-06
Type of Radio Equipment:
Equipment Type:Radio Equipment (RE)
Certified By: Industry Canada (Canadian Government)

Model:  WLT-15
Spec. Iss. From
RSS123 1.0 174 M 196.51 M 50K0F3E 360 uW 360 uW
The above model table is generated based on information received from Certification Bodies, Manufacturers or Suppliers at time of certification.

Approval Agent:
Certified On:2001-07-06
Certified By:
Industry Canada (Canadian Government)
Wireless Lab:--
Wireless Test Site:--
Spicific Absorbsion Test Lab:--
SAR Test Results:--

Frequency and Wireless Emission Stats

Rule SpecificaitonIssue No.Frequency RangeEmission DesignatorPower RangeField StrengthDistance
RSS123 1 174.0 MHz - 196.51 MHz F3E-- up to 0.36 mW -- --
RSS123 1 174.0 MHz - 196.51 MHz F3E-- up to 0.36 mW -- --
RSS123 1 174.0 MHz - 196.51 MHz F3E-- up to 0.36 mW -- --
RSS123 1 174.0 MHz - 196.51 MHz F3E-- up to 0.36 mW -- --
RSS123 1 174.0 MHz - 196.51 MHz F3E-- up to 0.36 mW -- --
RSS123 1 174.0 MHz - 196.51 MHz F3E-- up to 0.36 mW -- --
RSS123 1 174.0 MHz - 196.51 MHz 50K0F3E-- up to 0.36 mW -- --
RSS123 1 174.0 MHz - 196.51 MHz 50K0F3E-- up to 0.36 mW -- --
RSS123 1 174.0 MHz - 196.51 MHz 50K0F3E-- up to 0.36 mW -- --

An IC ID is the product ID assigned by Industry Canada to identify wireless products in the Canadian market. IC typically assigns businesses 3 to 5 character codes to identify the business that created the product. For example, the business code for IC 4026231234A is 4026A. This particular IC Certification was filed for by NADY SYSTEMS, INC. for implementation in their product model # --. Under "Similar Applications" below, you will find the other application and models this Industry Canada Certification ID has been filed with.

Approved Models for this IC ID:

Application ID IC ID Date Model
14200 4026231234A 2001-07-06 WLT-15
14201 4026231234A 2001-07-06 WLT-14
14202 4026231234A 2001-07-06 WGT-15